
ASIC已制定资本充足率要求,并要求许可证持有人必须设立内部风险管理和员工培训程序。外部审计的补充使IC Markets业务和会计流程更符合法规。
ASIC是在澳大利亚负责确保金融市场在澳大利亚公平和透明的金融监管机构,由有自信和消息灵通的投资者和消费者提供支持。 ASIC是根据澳大利亚证券和投资委员会法案(ASIC法案)成立,根据公司法进行大部分工作的一个独立的联邦政府机构。
IC Markets (AU):
When funding your trading account client funds are held in client segregated accounts at Australian Banks, National Australia Bank (NAB) and Westpac Banking Corporation (Westpac). IC Markets complies with the Australian Client Money Handling Rules and employs strict policies and procedures regarding the maintenance and operation of these accounts.
IC Markets遵从客户资金与自有资金分离政策, 公司除了客户持有仓位需要的保证金以外,其他任何情况下均不会动用客户资金。我们的产品披露说明书总结了我们客户资金持有管理政策。 产品披露说明书 列出了客户资金保管的相关政策
IC Markets (SC):
When funding your trading account client funds are held in client segregated accounts at AA rated Australian banks. IC Markets complies with the Securities (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 20018 and employs strict policies and procedures regarding the maintenance and operation of these accounts.
IC Markets holds client money separately to company funds and does not use these funds for any operational expenses or purposes. Our Product Disclosure Statement outlines our client money handling policies.
IC Markets (AU):
专业赔偿保险 由伦敦的劳埃德保险公司承保。
IC Markets (SC):
Professional Indemnity Insurance is maintained with H Savy Insurance Co Ltd in Seychelles
IC Markets (AU):
IC Markets的合作银行是澳大利亚国民银行(NAB)和西太平洋银行公司(西太平洋银行),这两个银行均为澳大利亚本地顶级大银行机构。
IC Markets (SC):
IC Markets banks with the National Australia Bank (NAB) and Westpac Banking Corporation (Westpac), both top-tier Australian Banks.
IC Markets is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA is an approved Australian external dispute resolution scheme that fairly and independently resolves disputes between consumers and member financial services providers.
IC Markets (AU):
IC Markets已设立外部独立审计师,以确保我们的监管义务和操作流程符合法规。
IC Markets (SC):
IC Markets has in place an external independent auditor to ensure compliance with our regulatory obligations and operational processes.

按照澳大利亚的反洗钱及反恐怖主义金融法(2006),IC Markets已经设置了一个政策和程序,以确保符合法律规定。这些政策和程序的目的是防止洗钱活动的发生。我们的 反洗钱政策 要求您在开立账户前提供给我们相应的证明文件。
IC Markets (AU):
IC Markets拥有澳大利亚证券及投资事务监察委员会所授予的专业从业资质认证,资质号为: 335692 该资质认证了IC Markets的从业资质并规定了业务范围
IC Markets (SC):
IC Markets holds a Securities Dealer Licence No SD018 and is authorised to carry on a financial services business in Seychelles, limited to the financial services covered by our Securities Dealer Licence.

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